(8.65 CHF/KG)

NaturNes Nestle - Spinach from 4/6 months - 2x130g


NaturNes® helps protect nature in order to offer the best for your baby. Our vegetables are grown in open fields, harvested when fully ripe in harmony with nature's rhythm, and gently steam-cooked to preserve their taste to the maximum. Therefore, to introduce new food into your baby's diet, let them discover our specially formulated spinach baby jars from France, made in the Vosges region! Between 4 and 6 months, do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctor to start diversifying properly.


List of ingredients: Spinach (45%), water for cooking, potatoes (15%), rice semolina, rapeseed oil.

Conservation tips

Product Storage Instructions: Before opening, keep it at room temperature. After opening, place the covered jar in the refrigerator and store it for 48 hours, unless your baby has eaten directly from the jar. In that case, please discard the remaining contents of the jar.

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